Posted for Chen's, Ah Boy!

I loved all the pictures of you on you mammas Blog "Ramblings"!
If anyone wants to see a black and tan brother to Jengibre ( named, Ah Boy) you will have to check out Ah Boy's pictures on "Chen's" Blog site "Ramblings"! He is a real charmer just like Jengibre!! You will see Chen's site listed in my right side bar. And Chen also put a link to Ah Boys pictures, under comments under one of Jengibres pictures posted here. I hope you will take the time, he is worth the look and Chen's Blog is worth the read!
chen, next time must link up ahboy with jen via webcam?
good suggestion or not? :P
we just want to hug both of them.Thanks ,you have a nice weekend :)
Wow, this is so sweet :)
Jengibre, Ah Boy says "woof, woof" to u :)
Ah Boy likes Jengibre's bear blanket a lot,
Looks very comfortable and cosy....
Jellyfish,Great idea, LOL!
Sam I am, That is always the way we feel when we see your pictures. What is so wonderful is that we get to share the adventures and photos of all our pet friends and their Mommys and daddys, too, no matter how far away they might live.
I am sorry I have not been making a lot of comments lately on anyones Blog but I do visit. I just haven't had time to leave comments. I have been tryng to get all my shopping finished and get my most dreaded Christmas cards done and sent out. We still have to take Jengibre to see the Pepsi cola plant, Christmas light display. We have taken her every year since we have had her. She loves it I have to hold onto to the back of her Santa suit because she hangs out the car window so far, that I worry she will tumble out of the car window. She loves the music of the twelve days of Christmas, as it play at each of the twelve days ... we have to stop the car at each one for her. Then we are on to a private home drive through Christmas display they have every year. We make a donation as we leave and Jengibre gets a candy cane. I will post some pictures as I think we are going tonight.
Chen, I want to thank you for sharing Ah Boy's photos with me, he is a champ. When I got Jen she had the same floppy ears, until we had them straightened at the vets. I noticed that you had Ah Boys done too!
I love to visit & see what pictures are next. What a cozy pic of Jengibre, makes me just want to cuddle!
I put up another photo of Ah Boy on Saturday and shared some facts about min pin & ah boy :) Hope u & Jen like it.
Oh.. regarding the ears, nothing was done actually, it's natural :)
amstaffie, Thank you that is the same way I feel about Storms pictures you post. Sorry I haven't had time to comment lately on Storm on your Blog, but I do go and look. I love Storm's photo with Santa. I wish we had something like that here. And I like how you added the picture of Storm with glasses on ... in your side bar, sort of like I did with Jengibre in my sidebar. I will try to have a calm day before Christmas to come leave some comments, though! It has been a busy Christmas season for me trying to get everything done before Christmas.
Chen, Will do! Thanks!
Jengibre looks so cute in all the wonderful costumes you've made. And I'm teaching Shasta to balance cookies on her nose? Where's the holiday spirit in that! Again you've shown me, I better get crackin'! LOL
I LOVE them all and can't decide which is my favorite, but to actually warm a blanket up for Jenibre...I think this tops the lovingest act of kindest and Mommy could give.
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