Mt St. Helens/May 18,1980/Harry Truman

He often took us up into the Red Zone and I can't tell you the devastation we saw!
I was so fascinated by it all that I painted and drew a lot of the eruption and the area around it and nothing fascinated me more than Harry Truman, the old man of the mountain ... He refused to leave and he is buried up there today with his many cats under all that ash and lava. My drawings and paintings were displayed in the Mt. Saint Helen's museum for two years until I started having too many offers to buy them, to turn down. So I am afraid I took them all out and sold them. Today I regret that! I wish now, that I had donated them all to the museum! I only know where two of those paintings are today. One my parents bought, that my daughter now has and (my favorite) went to North Bend, Oregon. The others I have no idea. The picture above is a lithograph that I had done of my original drawing that I sold. I then sold these lithographs un-mounted and unframed for about 20 dollars each (and I had a ton of them). I wish had taken photos of all those paintings, at the very least.
Wow! You are a great artist! I also draw to, and you can see it on my blog in my Gallery of friends.
Hi, you sent me! Thanks for visitng my blog, faira! I hope you are having a nice weekend!
check your emial for a phoptgraph of man of the mountain. i was asked to donate it to the mueseum at johnston ridge observatory which is a mount saint helens look out and museum. i said no, not right now. i am glad i did because in the recent volcano scare the JRO has been closed several times for fear it will be flattened in the next explosion. the mountain has been smoking steaming and rumbling for the last 9 months
Rockchild, Thank you from one artist to another!
Mindi, I almost left all my St. Helen's paintings to that same museum, I wonder where they would all be now if I hadn' gotten greedy ... I mean needy for cash?
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